The Glorious British Native Ponies

Fell Ponies          Dales Ponies

Pleasant Hill, Oregon
+1 (541)915-8665
Breeding   Training   Raising   Promoting   Consulting

Do You Have a Line Bred or Inbred Pony that You Would Like to Breed?
I can help you make good decisions for mates that will result in the best line crossed foals that will contribute to future bloodline diversity.

Breeding a heritage rare breed is a multi-faceted challenge where our main goal is to build up and retain genetic viability without compromising desired traits for the future.  Preservation goes beyond our time and moment of ego, involving thoughtful decisions that consider the collective gene pool.  Understanding gene flow, genetic drift and the dangers of line breeding to a breed as a whole are essential........ so our children and their children can not only enjoy these treasures but are able to do so without the burdens associated with deleterious genetic mutations.

The critical facets require responsible breeding where the substance is found in deep understandings of the genetic concerns related to small populations and small gene pools.  There exists a prevailing trend of repeating what is popular and fashionable based on observable traits.  The desire to perpetuate desirable traits must be tempered with a real in depth understanding and analysis of the actual breeding pool within a population.

An intense independent bloodline research led me through a process that identified the North American Fell pony foals born from 2017-2023.  This project wove through the identification of 51 contributing stallions and 125 contributing mares, landing with 4-6G reverse pedigrees back to foundation contributors.  The results provide a wealth of information, identifies bloodline bottlenecks and points of concern within the breeding gene pool, allowing us to make more informed decisions for the future.  For the 7 yr. period, North America has averaged 37 foals a year.  This fact makes it even more critical that breeding decisions are made in balance by considering in triad:  type, individual line breeding, and the collective gene pool.  Expect more details coming in the future with regard to bloodline diversity and how all breeders can and should encourage each other to prioritize these concerns.


Featured POnies

A Look at Their Lives
Braeberry Barnabas

Senior mentor at Get Grounded Equine, 'Bing' is the first Fell pony to compete bareback sans bridle/spur at the National Mt. Trail Championships in Oregon.   Bing Page

WhisperingWillows Piper

Piper was bred by Jim and Teresa Rust in Indiana.  She is our first gray Dales pony.  A delight to work with and ride, Piper is incredibly calm and quiet.

RedPrairie Freedom

Freedom was bred by the first US Dales breeder, BloomingDales of Oregon.  After a few years of being a very nice family trail horse, he has become a permanent resident at Northwest Therapeutic Riding Center in Bellingham, WA.  NWTRC is a PATH Intl. therapy center.

FiddleHead Brooke

15 months in this picture, Brooke was our first purebred Fell to bear the FiddleHead prefix.  Brooke's story shows how a foal is raised, handled and lives at FiddleHead.

Fell/Dales Pony Foals

One of the Greatest Joys is Raising a Young Fell or Dales Pony!

Looking to see what is and will be coming available?  SALES

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